What is codejockey?

codejockey.io is the fastest JSON Api code generator. We won't get into the debate of REST or RPC, and so we are calling it a JSON Api codegen. It writes entire CRUD of the api in seconds. Let's face it. CRUD is a constant. Nothing to innovate, just meh! It allows developers to do the creative by handling the mundane! More 💪 to developers.

How does it help me?
codejockey.io helps build a solid foundation for the api backends. With codejockey.io, you pick a language, framework, RDBMS & relax. We build a fully documented and unit tested api.

Yeah, but there are robots and others!
We hear ya! Competition is great. Keeps you on your toes. Pick your poison and then pick us 😃. We give you a barebone production ready CRUD api. You do the REST. With codejockey.io you have a complete control over your codebase. "We build & You host". We are diligently working on adding support for more languages, frameworks and databases. What would you like to add?

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Looking for a terraform code generator?
To learn more head on to terrajockey.cloud.
🤯 KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid 🤯
💖 made with love by @codejockeyio 💖